Name | Title | Department | Bldg |
Room |
Phone |
EMail |
Addington, Sarah | Manager of Disability Services | Disability & Support Services | 17 | 103 | (253)589-5755 | |
Adrien, Jenn | Executive Director | Marketing and Communications | 11 | 211 | (253)589-5619 | |
Aguilar, Jealisa | Fiscal Analyst | Finance and Administration | 17 | 104 | (253)589-5847 | |
Aikens Howard, Jennifer | Custodian | Facilities | 25 | 402 | (253)589-5565 | |
Al-Tameemi, Rasha | Instructor | Architectural Engineering Design Program | 19 | 203 | (253)589-5681 | |
Alapai, Angela | Instructional Program Assistant | Aviation, Manufacturing, and Technology | 19 | 102B | (253)589-5514 | |
Albers, Ken | Instructor | BAS - Manufacturing | 19 | 102 | | |
Alexander, Dion | Instructor | General Education - Mathematics | 15 | 113K | (253)589-5722 | |
Alexander, Felton | Custodian | Finance & Adminsitration | 25 | 404 | | |
Ali, Jawahir | Instructor | Transitional Studies - Adult Basic Education | | | | |
Ali, Nizar | Instructor | Instruction | | | | |
Allen, Tei'ra | Accounting Coordinator | Finance | 17 | 104 | (253)589-5595 | |
Anderson, Jason | Librarian | Library | 15 | LRC | (253)589-5764 | |
Anderson, Kyle | Instructor | Manufacturing and Mechatronics | | | | |
Armstrong, Mackenzie | Foundation Development Associate | CPTC Foundation | 19 | 101 | (253)589-6083 | |
Autry, Trisha | Instructor | Pharmacy Technician | 21 | 226 | (253)589-6081 | |
Baker Sherman, Patricia | Instructor | Mathematics | | | | |
Baker, Nate | Instructor | Manufacturing Engineering Technologies | 24 | 120 | (253)589-6034 | |
Banaszak, Lori | Procurement and Supply Specialist | Budget and Finance | | | | |
Barber, Jason | Instructor | Heating, Air Cond & Refrig Srv | | | | |
Barre, Michelle | Director of Workforce Development | Workforce Development | 17 | 107 | (253)589-5583 | |
Bate, Kristen | Navigator Bachelor Degree Programs | Instruction | 19 | 102E | (253)589-5561 | |
Baylor, James | Instructor | Psychology | | | | |
Beckstead, Steven | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | (253)589-5565 | |
Bell, Anika | Head Start Teacher's Assistant | Child Development Services | 20 | | (253)589-5872 | |
Bell, Demetrius | Security Officer | Security | 19 | 109A | (253)589-5565 | |
Bell, Tasee | Nursing Clinical Coordinator | Practical Nursing Program | | | (253)589-5517 | |
Bennett, Craig | Instructor | Welding Program | | | | |
Benoit, Kimberly | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | | | | |
Benson, Janice | Clinical Instructor and Lab Assistant | Pharmacy Technician | 21 | 202 | (253)589-5563 | |
Bills, Kimberly | Procurement and Supply Specialist | Finance and Budget | 17 | 106C | (253)589-5846 | |
Blevins, Brian | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | | |
Boatwright, Jason | Dean of Instruction for Healthcare | Division F - Healthcare | 19 | 103C | (253)589-5878 | |
Boerst, Bijou | Faculty Office Assistant | Dean's Group | 19 | 103A | (253)589-6059 | |
Bolen, Ryan | Instructor | Manufacturing & Mechatronics Program | | | | |
Bonds, Jackelina | Substitute Instructor | Dental Assistant Program | | | | |
Bonds, Jackelina | Substitute Instructor | Dental Assistant Program | | | | |
Bonner, LaPria | Instructor | Healthcare Programs | | | | |
Boole, Justine | Instructor | Interior Design | 19 | 202 | (253)589-5567 | |
Boon, Celva | Director of Student Aid and Scholarships | Student Success | 17 | 102B | (253)589-5822 | |
Bosen, Stefanie | Student Financials Accountant | Finance and Administration | 17 | 141 | (253)589-5651 | |
Bourque, Kenneth | Veteran Navigator | Workforce Programs | 2 | 109 | | |
Bowman, Brittany | Instructional Program Assistant | Northwest Career and Technical High School | 14 | 103 | (253)589-5772 | |
Boyadzhiyski, Gabriela | Home Care Training Program Coordinator | Corporate Education | | | (253)583-8862 | |
Boyt, Gretchen | Instructor | Interior Design Program | 19 | 210 | | |
Brandt, Ian | Instruction and Support Technician | School of Advanced Manufacturing | 24 | 204 | | |
Bray, Khairo | Counselor | Advising and Counseling | 17 | 150B | (253)589-5973 | |
Breiner, Taylyr | Dental lab Assistant | Instruction - Dental Assistant Program | 14 | 101 | (253)589-6023 | |
Brickle, Mattie | Nursing Faculty | Nursing | 21 | 202 | | |
Briggs, Sean | Faculty Counselor | Northwest Career and Technical High School | 14 | 110 | (253)589-5860 | |
Britt, Carolyn | Program Assistant for Advising and Counselling | Student Success | 17 | 150 | (253)589-5584 | |
Brouse, Tiffany | Instructor | Practical Nursing Program | | | | |
Brown, Dave | Instructor | Automotive Technology | 3 | 802 | (253)589-5725 | |
Brown, Elizabeth | Basic Skills Staff Tutor | | 15 | 113K | (253)589-5591 | |
Brown, Kim | Receptionist | Cosmetology | 8 | 102 | (253)589-5553 | |
Brown, Scott | Substitute Instructor | HVAC | 5 | | | |
Brown, Taylor | MAINTENANCE MECHANIC 4 | Finance & Adminsitration | | | | |
Broxson, Thomas | Vice President for Instruction | Office of Instruction | 17 | 270 | (253)589-5510 | |
Burkes, Lester | Dean of Trades, Transportation, and Apprenticeship | School of Trades, Transportation, and Apprenticeship | 3 | 203 | (253)589-5771 | |
Burks, Brandon | Application Systems Specialist | Student Success | 17 | 220A | (253)589-5515 | |
Bushnell, Poppy | Instructor | Architectural Engineering Design Program | 19 | 201 | (253)589-5684 | |
Butler, Rachael | Workforce Development Counselor | Workforce Development | 17 | 109E | (253)589-6088 | |
Buzick, Ruth | Finance Associate | Finance & Adminsitration | | | | |
Cain, Geoff | Instructional Curriculum Design Specialist | TLC | 15 | 108 | 2535895538 | |
Callahan, Bruce | Instructor | Professional Pilot | SHC | 102 | (253)583-8920 | |
Calzada, Karina | Instructional Program Assistant | Transitional Studies | 10 | 102 | (253)589-5705 | |
Campbell, Ehrin | Instructor | Esthetics Program | | | (253)589-5552 | |
Cano, Carlos | Mechatronics Instructor | Mechatronics | | | (253)589-6080 | |
Cao, Lulu | Instructor | Aviation Maintenance Program | | | | |
Carey, Jessica | Instructor | General Education and Graphic Design | | | | |
Carlson, Faith | Instructor | Welding Program | | | | |
Caro, Christine | Instructor | Transitional Studies - Adult Basic Education | 10 | 102 | (253)589-5702 | |
Carr, Jason | Institutional Research Analyst | Institutional Research | 19 | 110B | (253)589-5536 | |
Castillo, Stephanie | Faculty Office Assistant | Northwest Career and Technical High School | 14 | 110 | (253)589-5774 | |
Catangui, Victor | Certified Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot | | | | |
Chafe, Andrea | Program Specialist | Student Aid and Scholarships | 17 | 130 | (253)589-6002 | |
Chambers, Brenton | Instructor | HVAC | | | | |
Chapple, Deonna | Grounds and Nursery | Finance & Adminsitration | | | | |
Chase, Debi | Instructor | Early Care and Education - Childcare | 10 | 125 | | |
Chiaro, Loree | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | 8 | 204 | (253)589-5640 | |
Chichipan, Rosario | Assistant Teacher | Child Development Services | | | | |
Choc, Luis | Instructor | General Education | | | | |
Christensen, Sally | Early Childhood Education Instructor | Early Childhood Education | 10 | 125 | (253)589-4312 | |
Christianson, Heath | Adjunct Faculty | Nursing Assistant Program | | | | |
Clark, Kezia | Instructor | Surgical Technology | 21 | 211 | (253)589-5530 | |
Clark, Sondra | General Education Instructor | General Education | | | | |
Claunch, Jeanne | Payroll Specialist | Human Resources | 17 | 112B | (253)589-5833 | |
Clayton, Kristopher | Payroll Associate | Payroll | 17 | 112 | | |
Codrington, Eric | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | 8 | 204 | (253)589-6021 | |
Coffee, Wesley | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | (253)589-5565 | |
Cohen, Mirelle | Instructor | Human Services and Chemical Dependency | 2 | 121 | | |
Collins, Jodi | Instructor | Accounting Program | | | | |
Colombini-Hyke, Lisa | Instructor | Early Care and Education | 10 | 125 | (253)589-5574 | |
Cooke, Suzanne | Instructor | Accounting Program | 11 | 147 | (253)589-5691 | |
Cooper, Domico | ECEAP Family Support Specialist | Child Development Services | | | (253)589-5882 | |
Cooper, Dustin | Instructor | Avionics | SHC | 107 | (253)583-8913 | |
Copeland, Kristin | Dean of Library and Learning Innovation | Teaching and Learning Center | 15 | | (253)589-6086 | |
Crosby, Kristy | Enrollment Data Specialist | Student Learning | 19 | 105D | (253)589-5547 | |
Crouchet, Bella | WFD Eligibility Program Assistant Part Time | Workforce Development | 17 | 109D | (253)589-5513 | |
Crouchet, Cristeen | Dean of Student Success | Student Career and Financial Services | 17 | 105 | (253)589-5895 | |
Cruson, Adriana | Instructor | Nursing | 21 | 202 | | |
Curry, Roger | Instructor | Psychology | | | | |
Cutler, Lisa | Computer Technology Specialist | Library | 15 | 104 | (253)589-5820 | |
Dadashova, Irada | Instructor | Nursing | 21 | 202 | | |
Dana, Samantha | Associate Vice President | Institutional Effectiveness | 17 | 230 | (253)589-4520 | |
Darland, Robert | Instructor | HVAC Program | | | | |
Darling, Nicholas | Mechanic | Maintenance | 25 | | (253)589-5560 | |
Davis, Jane | Faculty Counselor | Northwest Career and Technical High School | 14 | 110 | (253)589-5573 | |
Davis, Karen | Instructor | Transitional Studies - Adult Basic Education | | | | |
Dawley, Brandon | Interim Director of Outreach and Entry Services | Outreach and Entry Services | 17 | 101 | (253)583-8765 | |
Dawson, Scott | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | | |
Dawson, Sheila | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | | |
De La Pena, Danielle | Substitute | Instruction | | | | |
DeLeon, Carine | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | 8 | 202 | (253)589-5996 | |
DeLos Santos, Luis | Instructor | Welding Program | | | | |
DeMarco, Megan | Instructor | Instruction | | | | |
Dempsey, Jessica | Director of College in High School | Instruction | | | | |
Dennis, Felicia | I-BEST Specialist and IELCE Navigator | I-BEST | 10 | 101 | (253)589-5524 | |
Dent, Christina | SUBSTITUTE-CERT/EXTRA HELP | Instruction | | | | |
DeSure, Pearl | Faculty Librarian | Library | 15 | 113A | (253)589-6067 | |
Doan, Viet | Instructor | HVAC Program | | | | |
Donaldson, Joseph | Instructor | BAS - Manufacturing | | | | |
Doodigian, Darrel | Instructor | Upholstery Program | 3 | 402 | (253)589-6092 | |
Doyon, Greg | Instructor | Aviation Maintenance Technician | SHC | 108 | (253)583-8915 | |
Droz, Sidney | Event Services Attendant | Event Services | | | | |
Dupea, Nathan | Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot | | | | |
Edwards, Darnell | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | | |
Ehlers, Amy | Benefits Specialist | Human Resources | 17 | 112D | (253)589-5835 | |
Eilers, Nicholas | Instructor | Automotive Programs | | | | |
English, Emily | Assistant Director of Grant Development | Institutional Effectiveness | 17 | 230 | (253)589-5609 | |
Eschbach, Jen | Events Facilitator | Facilities and Event Services | 23 | 104 | (253)346-8749 | |
Escorcia, Jasmine | Nursing Faculty | Nursing | 21 | 202 | | |
Espanet, Heather | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | | | | |
Evans, Douglas | Instructor | Nondestructive Testing | 24 | 113 | (253)589-5855 | |
Evans, Jennifer | Instructor | Nursing | | | | |
Evans, Steve | Administrative Finance Specialist | Budget and Finance | | | | |
Ewing, John | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | (253)589-5565 | |
Ewing, Kerianne | Instructor | Nursing Program | | | | |
Faherty, Dionna | Instructor | General Education - English | 19 | 112D | (253)589-5732 | |
Farmer, Matthew | Human Resources and Payroll System Specialist | Human Resources and Payroll | 16 | 105 | (253)589-5834 | |
Fate, Doug | Instructor | Professional Pilot | SHC | 105 | | |
Faust, Derek | Instructor | Environmental Sciences and Technology,BAS-Environmental Sciences | 16 | 104 | (253)589-5506 | |
Fedak, Kelsy | Instructor | Manufacturing and Mechatronics Program | | | | |
Feist, Shannon | Instructor | Professional Pilot | SHC | 105 | (253)583-8902 | |
Felch, Christopher | Instructor | Digital Entertainment Design and Production Program | 11 | 111W | (253)589-5559 | |
Felch, Linda | Instructor | Early Care and Education - Childcare | 10 | 125 | (253)589-6091 | |
Flanagan, Elizabeth | Instructor | Transitional Studies & Basic E | | | | |
Flanigan, Cary | Instructor | Welding Technologies | 25 | 400 | (253)589-5641 | |
Flood, Cait | Home Care Aide Training Project Manager | Corporate Education | 19 | | (253)583-8870 | |
Foarde, Samuel | Instructor | Nursing Assistant Program | | | | |
Follett, Diane | Instructor | General Education - English | 15 | 107 | (253)589-5549 | |
Fontana, Christina | Instructional Program Assistant | Instruction | 19 | 103I | (253)589-4516 | |
Fortson, Chikara | Lead Toddler Teacher | Child Development Services | | | | |
Fortson, Lisa | Assistant Director | Student Aid and Scholarships | 17 | 102A | (253)589-5688 | |
Foster, Carrie | Instructional Program Assistant | Learning Resources Center | 15 | | | |
Foster, Doraine | Lab Assistant | Pharmacy Technician | 21 | | | |
Foster, Sarah | Credentials Evaluator | Enrollment Services | 17 | 130 | (253)589-6003 | |
Foy, Michelle | Instructor | Workforce Continuing Education | 19 | | | |
Frederick, Sandy | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | 8 | 102 | (253)589-6053 | |
Freeman, Kurt | Instructor | Automotive Collision Technician | 3 | 305 | (253)589-5508 | |
Fries, Galen | Instructor | Construction Technologies | | | | |
Fuhlman, Megan | Faculty Counselor | Northwest Career and Technical High School | 14 | 103 | (253)589-5775 | |
Fuller, Todd | Instructor | Low Voltage Program | | | | |
Gall, Rachel | Instructor | Nursing | 21 | 202 | | |
Gallego, Felice | Instructor | Transitional Studies | | | | |
Gangaram, Jitendra | Instructor | Mathematics | | | | |
Gangstad, Amy | Interim Director of Budget | Finance | 19 | 106B | (253)589-5520 | |
Garcia, Marco | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | | | | |
Garcia, Nancy | Library Circulation Technician | Library | 15 | 113 | (253)589-5711 | |
Gardner, Chas | Instructor | Transitional Studies & Basic Education | | | | |
Gardner, Tracey | Instructor | Medical Laboratory Technician | | | | |
Geary, Shawn | Instructor | Digital Entertainment Design and Production Program | 11 | 111E | (253)589-5759 | |
Gill, Amaninder | Instructor | Manufacturing and Mechatronics Program | | | | |
Gilmore, Michael | Instructor | Nondestructive Testing | 24 | 121 | (253)589-5853 | |
Gogna, Vinay | Nursing Instructor | Practical Nursing Program | | | | |
Gonthier, Jen | Instructor | Transitional Studies | 10 | | (253)589-5702 | |
Gonzalez-Yoxtheimer, Rosalinda | Operations Division Assistant | Security and Operations | 19 | 109 | (253)589-5557 | |
Gordon, Earl | Instructor | Low Voltage Electrical | 14 | 208 | (253)589-5696 | |
Grayson, Amelia | Vice President of Finance and Administration | Finance and Administration | 17 | 210 | (253)589-5599 | |
Green, Darla | Instructor | Esthetic Sciences Program | | | | |
Greer, Eden | Navigator | School of Advanced Manufacturing | 24 | 204 | (253)589-6085 | |
Greer, Hana | Instructor | Nursing | 21 | 202 | (253)589-5615 | |
Griess, Taylor | Instructor | Instruction | | | | |
Griffin, Christain | Instructor | Health Sciences | 21 | 202 | (253)589-5556 | |
Grimes, Dewayne | Instructor | Transitional Studies - Adult Basic Education | 10 | 121 | (253)589-5971 | |
Grubb, Brittany | Esthetics Lab Assistant | Esthetic Sciences Program | | | | |
Guevara, Jaimie | Substitute Instructor | Cosmetology Program | | | | |
Guntle, Rachael | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | 8 | 102 | (253)589-5504 | |
Guntle, Timothy | Community Resource Manager | Workforce Development | 17 | 110A | (253)589-5503 | |
Gutierrez, Jazmin | Instructor | Transitional Studies and Basic Education | | | | |
Guttromson, Curtis | Instructor | Aviation Maintenance Technician | SHC | 147 | (253)583-8910 | |
Ha, Hyeonsun | Hayes Center Associate | Hayes Child Development Center | | | | |
Hageman, Brady | Learning Management Systems Specialist | Library | 15 | 104 | (253)589-4534 | |
Haggerty, Bekki | Instructor | Medical Histology | 21 | 232 | (253)589-4526 | |
Hale, Evan | Instructor | Manufacturing Enginering Technologies | 24 | 120 | (253)589-6045 | |
Hale, Martha | Instructor | Welding Program | | | | |
Harmon, Melissa | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | 8 | 102 | (253)589-6026 | |
Harrington, Jonathan | Instructor | Political Science | SHC | | | |
Harris, Sarah | Executive Assistant to the VP of Instruction | Instruction | 17 | 270 | (253)589-4549 | |
Hart, Jay | Instructor | Environmental Sciences | | | | |
Hart, Stephen | Instructor | Manufacturing and Mechatronics Program | | | | |
Harwood, Christee | Instructor | General Education - Biology | 21 | 231 | | |
Hauzinger, Irene | Director of Advising and Counseling | Advising and Counseling | 17 | 150 | | |
Hazen, Kevin | Grants and Contracts Manager | Finance and Administration | 19 | 106A | (253)589-5635 | |
Heald, Sara | Administrative Finance Specialist | Budget and Finance | | | | |
Heaton, Cheyenne | Nursing Faculty | Nursing | 21 | 202 | | |
Henry, Dominec | Head Start Lead Teacher | Child Development Services | 21 | | (253)589-5872 | |
Hernandez, Kandy | Instructor | Nursing | 21 | 202 | (253)589-5679 | |
Hernandez, Michael | Event Services Manager | Event Services | 23 | 105 | (253)297-1763 | |
Herrera-Bravo, Jaquelinne | Program Coordinator | Corporate Education | 19 | 205 | (253)583-8872 | |
Hickonbottom, Anthony | Instructor | Heating, Air Cond & Refrig Srv | | | | |
Hilbert, Erik | Maintenance Mechanic 3 | Facilities and Operations | | | | |
Hillesland, Michelle | Dean of Instruction | Dean's Group | 19 | 103B | (253)589-5586 | |
Hilton, James | Instructor | Automotive Collision Program | | | | |
Hobaugh, Hannah | Pharmacy Lab Technician | Pharmacy Technician Program | | | | |
Hoey, Jennifer | Instructor | Transitional Studies - Adult Basic Education | | | | |
Hoffman-Reyes Ph.D., Lisa | Instructor | English | 16 | 204 | | |
Holalkere, Ven | Instructor | Mathematics | | | | |
Hollowell, Kelly | Instructor | Network Operations and System Security | 24 | 206 | (253)589-5824 | |
Holubowsky, Stephanie | Instructor | Chemistry | 15 | 105 | | |
Hoppe, Susan | Fiscal Specialist 2 | Finance | 17 | 106A | (253)589-5843 | |
Hudson, Lorraine | Hayes Center Associate | Hayes Child Development Center | | | | |
Irish, Tracy | Instructor | Electrician - Low Voltage - Fire Security | 14 | 207 | (253)589-5696 | |
Irwin, Karen | Instructor | English | 16 | 204 | (253)589-6006 | |
Jackson, Hannah | CP ACCOMODATIONS/ STAFF - HRY | Disability & Support Services | | | | |
Jekel, Stephenie | Corrections Education Navigator | Student Success | | | (253)589-5579 | |
Jolly, William | Faculty - Substitute | Instruction | | | | |
Jones, Hayden | Composites Tech Instructor | Corporate Education | | | | |
Jones, Michele | Instructor | Medical Assistant Program | 19 | 106F | (253)589-5841 | |
Jones, Tera | Instructor | Practical Nursing Program | | | | |
Joy, Earl | Instructor | Aviation Maintenance Technician | SHC | 118 | (253)583-8917 | |
Karlsson, Marjut | Instructor | Transitional Studies- Integrated Basic Education Skills and Trai | 21 | 202 | (253)589-5702 | |
Kastenbaum, Benjamin | Entry Services Coordinator | Outreach and Entry Services | 17 | 101 | (253)589-5523 | |
Kazartsev, Nikolay | Cartified Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot | SHC | 105 | | |
Kelly, Dean | Vice President for Student Success | Student Success | 17 | 220 | (253)589-6066 | |
Kerley, William | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | | |
Kerns, Maurie | Executive Assistant to the AVP for Institutional Effectiveness | Institutional Effectiveness | 17 | 230 | (253)589-5808 | |
Kildun, Kevin | Faculty Counselor | Advising and Counseling | 17 | 150D | (253)589-5701 | |
Kim, Shannon | Instructor | Culinary and Pastry Arts Programs | 31 | 100 | (253)589-5650 | |
King, Andrew | Grounds and Nursery | Finance & Adminsitration | | | | |
Korschinowski, Claire | Dean of Instruction | Aerospace, Technology, Manufacturing, and Workforce | 19 | 102C | (253)589-5516 | |
Kovacs, Steven | Business Development Manager | Corporate Education | 19 | | (253)583-8865 | |
Kramer, Richard | Grounds and Nursery Specialist | Facilities & Operations | | | | |
Krohmal, Inna | Instructor | Esthetics Program | 8 | 320 | (253)589-5738 | |
Kroiss, Christian | Manager | Security | 19 | 109C | (253)589-5633 | |
Ladson, Dee | Veterans Services Manager - Certifying Official | Veterans Services | 17 | 103B | (253)589-5581 | |
Lancour, Julie | Faculty Counselor | Advising and Counseling | 17 | 150 | (253)589-5582 | |
Lander, Everick | Instructor | Automotive Technician | 3 | 602 | (253)589-5608 | |
Lanphier, Jay | Instructor | Network Operations and System Security | 24 | 206 | (253)589-5714 | |
Larkins, Stephanie | Instructor | Student Success | 17 | 150 | | |
Laupati, Sioeli | Custodian | Finance & Adminsitration | 25 | 404 | | |
Lebens, Erica | Entry Services Coordinator | Student Success | 17 | 101 | (253)589-5518 | |
Lee, Danny | Manager of Student Engagement | Student Life | 23 | 119 | (253)589-5644 | |
Lee, Eun Ha | Assessment Proctor | Transitional Studies | 10 | 122 | (253)589-5761 | |
Lee, Jamison | Instructor | English and Communications | | | | |
Leroy, Eugene | Instructor | Instruction | | | | |
Lethcoe, Ronald | Curriculum Design Specialist | Learning Resources Center | 15 | 108 | | |
Lind, Chiharu | Enrollment Services Associate | Student Success | 17 | 130 | (253)589-5832 | |
Lochridge, Tyclee | Teacher Assistant | Hayes Child Development Center | | | | |
Loomis, Skye | Event Services Attendant | Event Services | | | | |
Loux, Aleisha | Instructor | Dental Assistant Program | | | | |
Loveday, Joyce | President | President's Office | 17 | 200 | (253)589-5500 | |
Lundell, Tracy | Instructor | Workforce Development and Continuing Education | 2 | 104 | (253)589-5737 | |
Lynch, Ericka | Manager of Student Diversity Outreach | Student Success | | | (253)589-6015 | |
Mackay, David | Academic Tutor | Instruction | | | | |
Maguire, Trish | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | 8 | 102 | (253)589-6055 | |
Mahoney, Chris | Dean of Instruction | Dean's Office | 19 | 105E | (253)589-5959 | |
Mann, Tarlochan | Instructor | Operations Management, BAS-Operations Management | | | | |
Marks, Christian | Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot | SHC | 105 | | |
Marston, Doris | Head Start Teacher's Assistant | Child Development Services | 20 | 107 | (253)589-5873 | |
Martin, Michael | Instructor | Mathematics | | | | |
Martinez, Priscila | HAYES DEV CTR - HRY | Child Development Services | | | | |
Mason, Tiffanie | Instructor | Cosmetology Program | | | | |
Massey, Dean | Instructor | Culinary Arts Program | 31 | 100 | (253)589-6036 | |
Mavor, Michael | Instructor | Mechatronics | 24 | 121 | (253)589-6084 | |
Mayster, Diana | Volunteer Associate | Student Success | | | | |
McBride, Donna | Instructional Program Assistant | School of Aerospace and Aviation | SHC | 108 | (253)583-8906 | |
McClelland, Michael | Fiscal Specialist 2 - Accounts Receivable | Finance & Adminsitration | 17 | 104A | (253)589-5602 | |
Mcconkie, Benjamin | SUBSTITUTE-CERT/EXTRA HELP | Avionics Program | | | | |
McCorkle, Shannon | Instructor | Nursing Assistant Program | | | | |
McCoy, Jovan | Manager of Inclusive Excellence and Belonging | Equity Diversity and Inclusion | 17 | 242 | (253)589-5634 | |
Mccoy, Michael | Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot Program | SHC | | | |
McCullough, Sean | Instructional Program Assistant | School of Nursing | 21 | 202 | (253)589-6013 | |
McCullough, Terra | Talent Acquisition Specialist | Human Resources | 17 | 112A | (253)589-5645 | |
McDonald, Max | Instructor | Graphic Technologies | | | | |
McFarland, Derek | Information Systems Specialist | Institutional Effectiveness | 19 | 110C | (253)589-5535 | |
McGaughey, Colleen | Library Technician | Library | 15 | Library | 2535896076 | |
McGovern, Taylor | Counselor | Advising and Counseling | 17 | 150E | (253)589-5622 | |
Mcgran, Ehren | Grounds and Landscape Technician | Facilities | 5 | | (253)589-5565 | |
Mckee, Bryan | Roofers Apprenticeship Instructor | Instruction | 6 | | | |
McNamara, Jason | Veterans Certifying Official | Veterans Services | 17 | 103D | (253)589-5581 | |
Meerdink, Kenneth | Instructor | Computer Programming | 24 | 205A | | |
Mellor, Kariena | Manager | Bookstore | 23 | 203 | (253)589-5614 | |
Mendoza, Betty | Instructor | Practical Nursing Program | | | | |
Meyer, Clara | Student Success Support Specialist | Advising and Counseling | 17 | 150 | (253)589-5534 | |
Meyer, Jon | Disability Support Specialist | Disability Services | 17 | 250 | (253)589-5767 | |
Meyer, Josie | Clinical Placement Coordinator | Student Support | 19 | 103J | (253)589-4519 | |
Miller, Ellessea | Program Specialist | Student Aid and Scholarships | 17 | 130 | (253)589-6065 | |
Miller, John | Workforce Development Eligibility Specialist | Workforce Development | 17 | 109B | (253)589-5513 | |
Mollas, Tula | Instructor | General Education - English and Mathematics | 16 | 110 | | |
Monde, Koffi | ESL Assessment Support Staff | Pre-College Pathways | 10 | 102 | (253)589-5706 | |
Mondragon, Sandy | Entry Services Coordinator | Enrollment Services | 17 | 101 | 2535895504 | |
Montes, Mackenzie | Enrollment Services Specialist | Student Success | 17 | 230 | (253)589-5603 | |
Montgomery-Mandley, LaRita | School Lead | School of Health and Human Development | 21 | 106 | (253)589-5589 | |
Morales, Edgar | Student Aid and Scholarship Customer Service Specialist | Financial Aid | 17 | 130 | (253)589-5740 | |
Moroncini, Roberto | Utility Worker | Maintenance | | | (253)589-5565 | |
Morris, Catherine | Instructor | Network Operations and System Security | 24 | 206 | (253)589-5643 | |
Moyer, John | Instructor | Graphic Technologies | 11 | 154 | (253)589-5667 | |
Muigai, Peter | Instructor | Nursing Assistant Program | | | | |
Munizza, Pam | Instructor | Transitional Studies - Adult Basic Education | 10 | 118 | (253)589-5708 | |
Murphy, Evelyn | Entry Services Coordinator | Advising and Counselling | 17 | 101 | (253)589-5646 | |
Murphy, Lillian | SUBSTITUTE-CERT/EXTRA HELP | Instruction | | | | |
Murphy, McKenzee | Director of Enrollment Services and Registrar | Enrollment and Assessment Services | 17 | 132 | (253)589-5830 | |
Nabua-Oldham, Elaine | Instructor | Esthetics Program | | | | |
Nazarenko, Larysa | ESL Assessment Support Staff | Pre-College Pathways | 10 | 102 | (253)589-5707 | |
Neblett, James | Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Culture | Human Resources | 17 | 114B | (253)589-5533 | |
Nethercott, Vickie | Instructor | Nursing Program | | | | |
Newcomer, Jim | Automotive Program Support Technician | Automotive Specialist | 3 | 506 | (253)589-6044 | |
Newman, Shelley | Instructor | Pastry Arts Program | 23 | 103 | (253)589-5867 | |
Nguyen, Jordan | Security Officer | Security | 19 | 109D | | |
Nguyen, Phuong | Instructor | Corporate Education | | | | |
Noffke D.C., Wendy | Instructor | Biology | 21 | 235 | | |
Nolen, Mary | Central Service Specialist | Student Success | 17 | 150 | (253)589-5665 | |
Nwoke, Tara | Instructor | I-BEST | 10 | 102 | (253)589-5702 | |
Ok, Krista | Enrollment Services Associate | Enrollment Services | 17 | 130 | (253)589-5666 | |
Olan, Marixa | Lab Assistant | Pharmacy Technician | 21 | 202 | | |
Oliver, Thomas | Senior Executive Assistant to the President | President's Office | 17 | 200 | (253)589-6010 | |
Ollivant, Alexander | Instructor | Transitional Studies | | | | |
Olson, Christina | Instructor | Practical Nursing Program | | | | |
Ortiz, Joseph | Instructor | Computer Programming | 25 | 205B | (253)589-5580 | |
Otchere, BrieAnna | Student Aid and Scholarship Customer Service Specialist | Student Success | 17 | 130 | (253)589-5743 | |
Ott, Marie | Student Enrollment Coordinator | Student Aid and Scholarships - Enrollment Services | 17 | 130 | (253)589-5638 | |
Ottenad, Kristin | Instructor | Practical Nursing Program | | | | |
Owens, Darryl | Instructor | Graphic Technologies | 11 | 158 | 2535896019 | |
Parke, Kaytlyn | Instructor | Corporate Education | | | | |
Paulson, Susan | Payroll Manager | Payroll | 17 | 112C | (253)589-5578 | |
Pearson, Christopher | Instructor | Transitional Studies - English Language Acquisition | 10 | 214 | | |
Pecache, Gabriel | Certified Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot | | | | |
Perez, Joylene | Instructor | Health Unit Coordinator Program | 21 | 103 | (253)589-6028 | |
Perkins, Petra | Assistant Director of Continuing Education Programing | Corporate Education | 19 | 205 | (253)589-5839 | |
Peters, Darwin | Instructor | Digital Entertainment Design and Production Program | 11 | 106 | | |
Petrov, Tanya | Accounting Coordinator | Budget and Finance | 17 | 104B | (253)589-5683 | |
Phillips, Haleigh | Instructor | Student Success | | | (253)589-5671 | |
Plair, Lisa | Instructional Program Assistant | Trades, Transportation, and Apprenticeship | 3 | 203 | (253)589-5777 | |
Planinz, Brittany | Office Assistant | Finance & Adminsitration | | | | |
Pollock, Jenna | Dean of Pre-College Pathways | Instruction - Transitional Studies | 10 | 101 | (253)589-5744 | |
Precour, Hannah | Instructor | Dental Assistant Program | 14 | 107 | (253)589-5967 | |
Prenoveau, Susannah | Instructor | English | 16 | 201 | (253)589-5518 | |
Prewett, Christopher | Certified Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot Program | SHC | 105 | | |
Purcella, Cathy | Executive Director | Clover Park Technical College Foundation | | | (253)589-5545 | |
Quinlan, Jim | Instructor | Construction Technologies | 5 | 100 | (253)589-5685 | |
Racho, Misty | Volunteer Associate | | | | | |
Randall, Jody | Instructor | Network Operations and System Security | 24 | 206 | (253)589-5856 | |
Rarey, Jason | Meal Planner | Child Development Services | 20 | 220 | (253)589-5785 | |
Raynor, James | Substitute-Cert/Extra Help | Welding Program | | | | |
Rendal, Camille | Instructor | General Education | 19 | | | |
Reygers, Ryan | Instructor | Retail Business Management Program | 19 | 116 | (253)589-5664 | |
Ribelin, Kirstin | Instructor | Accounting Program | | | | |
Richards, Jonathan | Instructor | Automotive Programs | | | | |
Richards, Rochelle | Instructor | General Education | | | | |
Richmond, Lashawnda | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | | |
Ridler, Chris | Director of Operations | Facilities | 25 | 301 | (253)589-5529 | |
Riojas, Amelia | Instructor | Welding Technology | 25 | 403 | (253)589-5641 | |
Rios, Alyssa | Instructor | Practical Nursing Program | | | | |
Rivas, McKenzie | Payroll Specialist for Faculty | Human Resources | 17 | 112B | (253)589-5837 | |
Roberson, Tiffany | ECEAP Family Support Specialist | Hayes Development Center | | | (253)589-4335 | |
Roberts, Andrew | Nursing Laboratory Technician | Practical Nursing Program | 21 | | (253)589-5899 | |
Robertson-Bullen, Amy | Interim Associate Director | Northwest Career and Technical High School | | | (253)589-5861 | |
Robison, Michael | Instructor | Medical Assistant Program | | | | |
Roger-Reyes, Martin | Certified Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot Program | | | | |
Roman, Samanda | Assessment and Data Specialist | Transitional Studies - Learning Lab | 10 | 122 | (253)589-5760 | |
Rominger, Charity | Instructor | Nursing Assistant Program | | | | |
Rose, Jaya | Instructor | Interior Design Program, BAS-Interior Design | 19 | 210 | (253)589-5776 | |
Rose, Tracy | Social Services Instructor | Academics - General Education | 11 | 136 | (253)589-6047 | |
Rounds, Jordan | Instructor | Welding Program | | | | |
Ruiz, Luke | Manager of Student Diversity Programs | Equity Diversity and Inclusion | 23 | 118 | (253)589-5601 | |
Rushing, Martha | Instructor | Corporate Education | | | | |
Russell, Sean | Instructor | Construction Technology Program | | | | |
Salave'a, Beth | Instructor | Transitional Studies - Adult Basic Education | 10 | 214 | (253)589-5702 | |
Sanders, Cassandra | Student Aid & Scholarships Associate | Student Aid and Scholarships - Worker Retraining Program | 17 | 130 | (253)589-5558 | |
Sandoval, Loreta | Instructor | General Education - Mathematics | 16 | 202A | (253)589-6033 | |
Sandoval, Rocky | Instructor | Adult Basic Education and English Language Acquisition | 10 | 214 | (253)589-5702 | |
Santos, Anthony | Student Aid and Scholarship Program Assistant | Financial Aid | 17 | 102C | (253)589-5739 | |
Saucedo, Christopher | Instructor | Construction Technologies | 5 | 100 | (253)589-5686 | |
Sawatzki, Jason | Instructor | Mechatronics, BAS-META | 24 | 204 | (253)583-8810 | |
Scanlan, Regina | Lead Cashier | Finance and Budget | 17 | 140 | (253)589-5505 | |
Schmeling, LaVerta | Instructor | General Education - Mathematics | 16 | 208 | (253)589-5887 | |
Schmidt, Lucy | Lab Assistant | Aviation Maintenance Technician | SHC | 146 | (253)583-8926 | |
Schuler, Dawn | Instructional Program Assistant | Instruction | 3 | 203 | (253)589-5888 | |
Scott, Noah | Certified Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot Program | SHC | 105 | | |
Scott, Patricia | Instructor | Massage Studies - Core Allied Health - Computer Applications | 2 | 105 | (253)589-5596 | |
Selstad, Matthew | Flight Mechanic | Aviation | SHC | Hangar | (253)583-8924 | |
Servin, Andrea | Talent Acquisition Specialist | Human Resources | | | | |
Sha, Gaofeng | Instructor | Non-Destructive Testing | 24 | 204 | (253)589-5804 | |
Shaman, Zachary | Certified Flight Instructor | Professional Pilot Program | SHC | 105 | | |
Shandle, Tavaris | Lab Assistant | Surgical Technology | 21 | 201 | (253)589-5554 | |
Shanko, Terrie | Aviation Program Specialist | School of Aerospace and Aviation | SHC | 108 | (253)583-8901 | |
Shao, Hsiao-Li | Instructor | Surgical Technology | | | | |
Sharkey, Nathan | Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Student Success | Student Success | 17 | 220 | (253)589-6060 | |
Shipunova, Svetlana | Instructor | Transitional Studies & Basic E | | | | |
Shore, Jeffrey | Instructor | HVAC Program | | | | |
Shumate, James | Curriculum and Instructional Design Specialist | Learning Resources Center | 15 | 107 | | |
Sidhu, Harman | Web Services Technician | Marketing and Communications | | | | |
Siedlicki, Melissa | Instructor | Esthetics Program | 8 | 323 | (253)589-5748 | |
Sire, Katrina | Instructor | Northwest Career And Technical High School | | | | |
Skolrood, Jessica | Staff Accommodations Associate | Disability Services | | | | |
Sledge, Sheli | Executive Assistant to the AVP for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion | Equity Diversity and Inclusion | 17 | 244 | (253)589-5689 | |
Smith, Blake | Student Life Specialist | Student Success | 23 | 110 | (253)589-5780 | |
Smith, Kathryn | Instructor | Environmental Sciences and Technology,BAS-Environmental Sciences | 16 | 102 | (253)589-5829 | |
Smith, Keishawna | Entry Services Coordinator | Student Success | 17 | 101 | (253)589-5845 | |
Smith, Paul | Composites Tech Instructor | Corporate Education | | | | |
Smith-Fromm, Tiffany | Dean of Nursing | Nursing | 21 | | (253)589-6022 | |
Solbrack, Annemarie | Counselor | Advising and Counseling | 17 | 150F | (253)589-5881 | |
Songao, Tracey | Associate Dean of Student Success | Student Success | 17 | 220 | (253)589-5594 | |
Sorensen, Karlee | Instructor | Esthetics Program | 8 | 323 | (253)589-5736 | |
Sosnowski, Donald | Executive Director of Training | Corporate Education | 19 | 205 | (253)583-8860 | |
Sou, Roxanne | Instructional Program Assistant | Instruction | 19 | 105A | (253)589-5590 | |
Souza, Don | Instructor | Network Operations and System Security | 24 | 206 | (253)589-5791 | |
Stewart, Elizabeth | Instructor | Transitional Study and Basic Education | 10 | 110 | | |
StLouis, Crystal | Staff Tutor | Learning Resource Center | 15 | 113K | | |
Stokes, Eric | Chemistry Instructor | General Education | 15 | 105 | | |
Stout, Carvon | Hayes Center Associate | Hayes Child Development Center | 20 | | | |
Strickler, Hannah | Faculty Temp FT/PT | Instruction | | | | |
Suchy, Brooke | Security Officer | Security | 19 | 109 | | |
Sulkosky, Penni | HUMAN RESOURCES RECORDS ASSIST | Human Resources | | | | |
Sullivan, Jaye | Manager of Instruction Budget and Scheduling | Instruction | 19 | 105G | (253)589-5844 | |
Swaney, Kathleen | Instructor | Corporate Education | | | | |
Sweerus, Neil | Instructor | General Education - Mathematics | 16 | 204 | | |
Swetnam, Erwin | Instructor | BAS - Operations Management | 19 | 105H | | |
Tafejian, Melanie | Instructor | Northwest Career And Technical High School | 14 | 100 | | |
Taiwo, Tolu | Associate Director for EDI and Campus Climate | Equity Diversity and Inclusion | 16 | 101 | (253)589-5680 | |
Tardif, Matthew | Assistant Director of Human Resources | Human Resources | 17 | 114C | (253)589-6039 | |
Tauala, Erica | Instructor | Nursing Assistant Program | | | | |
Thomas, Evan | Manufacturing Instructor | School of Advanced Manufacturing | 24 | | | |
Thompson, Sean | Student Technology Coordinator | Library | 15 | 104 | (253)589-5519 | |
Thomson, Stan | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | SHC | | (253)589-5565 | |
Timmons, Amy | Senior Funding Specialist | Student Career and Financial Services | 17 | 103E | (253)589-5663 | |
Timmons, Dana | Training Administrator | Corporate Education | 19 | 205 | | |
Timothy, Jason | Instructor | Instruction | | | | |
Tirado, Joseph | Security Officer | Security | 19 | 109D | | |
Tran, My | Home Care Aide Trainer | Corporate Education | | | | |
Trotland, Marshall | Substitute Instructor | Upholstery Program | | | | |
Tulluck, Marco | Instructor | Transitional Studies | | | | |
Turner, Christine | Instructor | Accounting Program | | | (253)589-5692 | |
Turner, Jeffrey | Instructor | Network Operations and System Security, BAS-Cybersecurity | 24 | 206 | (253)589-5713 | |
Tyler, Jamel | Instructor | Digital Entertainment Design | | | | |
Urquidez, Jamie | Instructor | Surgical Technology | 21 | 212 | (253)589-5554 | |
Valencia, Iesha | Associate Vice President for Equity Diversity and Inclusion | Equity Diversity and Inclusion | 17 | 243 | (253)589-6063 | |
Van Beek, Carolyn | Counselor | Advising and Counseling | 17 | 150C | (253)589-5541 | |
Van Beek, Shalyn | Fiscal Specialist 2 | Finance & Adminsitration | | | | |
Vazquez, Jessica | Entry Services Coordinator | Instruction | 10 | 102 | (253)589-5880 | |
Verone, Dagan | CP ACCOMODATIONS STU - HRY | Disability & Support Services | | | | |
Villalobos, Rommel | Digital Content Designer | Marketing and Communications | | | | |
Vivas, Riabelle | Faculty Counselor | Transitional Studies | 10 | 102 | | |
Volk, Jason | ctcLink Data Analyst | Finance | 19 | 106C | (253)589-5897 | |
Voskuil, Justin | Instructor | Welding Program | | | | |
Walker, Mike | Instructor | Aviation Maintenance Technician | SHC | 108 | | |
Wallack, Jessica | Director of Student Life | Student Life | 23 | 119 | (253)589-5734 | |
Walter, Rory | Instructor | Instruction | | | | |
Walters, Gordon | Manager of Student Financials | Student Success | 19 | 106E | (253)589-5717 | |
Washington, Jon | Controller | Finance and Adminsitration | 17 | 106B | (253)589-5597 | |
Watson, Rosalia | Director of NA-C | Nursing | | | (253)297-1700 | |
Watts, Bryant | Instructor | Human Services | 21 | 111 | (253)589-5610 | |
Watts, Julie | Instructor | Interior Design Program, BAS-Interior Design | 19 | 202 | (253)589-5567 | |
Webb, Aaron | Volunteer Associate | Construction Technology Program | | | | |
Weichert, Ryan | Instructor | Roofers Apprentice Program | 6 | | | |
Weinmann, Jennifer | Instructor | Instruction | | | | |
Welch, Robert | Instructor | Human Services | 21 | 109 | (253)589-5610 | |
Wendland, Kate | Assistant Director | Workforce Development Eligibility Office | 17 | 109A | (253)583-8767 | |
Wenngren, Carl | Instructor | Mechatronics, BAS-META | 24 | 103 | (253)583-8811 | |
Wheeler, Mike | Instructor | General Education - Psychology | 11 | 137 | | |
Whipple, Jennifer | Instructor | Esthetics Program | 8 | 323 | (253)589-5883 | |
White, Duke | Instructor | Human Services Department | | | (253)589-5610 | |
Whitehouse, Theresa | Instructional Program Assistant | Instruction | 19 | 105I | (253)589-5571 | |
Widegren, Shanon | Instructor | Transitional Studies and Basic Education | | | | |
Wilkins, Cassidy | Instructor | Transitional Studies | | | | |
Wilkins, Deon | Custodian | Facilities and Operations | 25 | 404 | | |
Wilkins, Leah | Workforce Development Eligibility Program Assistant | Workforce Development | 17 | 109C | (253)589-5718 | |
Wilkinson, Katie | Instructor | Medical Laboratory Technician Program | | | | |
Williams, Cory | Security Officer | Security | 19 | 109A | (253)589-5682 | |
Williams, Jonathen | Assistant Director of Financial Aid Compliance | Student Aid and Scholarships | 17 | 102E | (253)589-5509 | |
Williams, Kayanna | Event Services Associate | Event Services | | | | |
Williams, Leroy | Network Services Intern | Information Technology | 11 | 117 | | |
Williams, Sue | Instructor | Transitional Studies - Adult Basic Education | 10 | 212 | (253)589-5705 | |
Williams, Takeara | Volunteer Associate | Student Success | 17 | 109C | | |
Williams, Virma | Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Finance and Adminis | Finance and Adminsitration | 17 | 210 | (253)589-5598 | |
Wilson Ph.D., Jaime | Instructor | American Sign Language | | | | |
Wirth, Roberta | Instructor | School of Health - Dental Assistant Program | 14 | 107 | (253)589-6024 | |
Wong, Shayne | Assistant Director For Human Resources | Human Resources | 17 | 112A | (253)589-5532 | |
Woodland, Katherine | Nursing Program Instructor | Nursing | 21 | 202 | | |
Woodruff, Greg | Instructor | Aviation Maintenance Technician | SHC | 108 | (253)583-8921 | |
Yang, Liu | Instructor | General Education | | | 2535895536 | |
Yassin, Azhar | Instructor | Corporate Education | | | | |
Young, Sebastian | Warehouse Operator - Shipping and Receiving | Finance & Adminsitration | | | (253)589-5892 | |
Zamzow, Demi | Histology Program Director | Healthcare Programs | | | | |
Zappitello, Britany | Staff Accommodations Interpreter | Disability Services | | | | |
Zhang, Jenny | Instructor | Transitional Studies and Basic Education | | | | |
Zhang, Snowy | Outcomes and Assessment Manager | Instruction | 19 | 110D | (253)589-5501 | |
Zimmerman, Ann | Instructor | Accounting Program | | | | |